Better quality of life on this Earth…

Its Wednesday, 8:29am, writing you from a lake in Zurich, Switzerland. 

I was talking with a mentor recently, and yes, I have many…

…At the top level, you actually have more, not less. 

Look at top athletes or performers like Michael Jordan, and they all have mentors and coaches, and the same is true for top business people, millionaires, and billionaires as well…

…Unfortunately, some (a few) seem to not have help due to narcissistic (think Trump) tendencies, but most have coaches and mentors. 

I asked him, ‘What is all this love stuff for if it doesn’t change someone’s personality?’ 

And he said, ‘To live a much better quality of life here on this earth’. 

Sometimes, it’s just as simple as that. 

And I thought, that’s exactly what I do for coaches and consultants just in a different way…

I build you a automated 6-7 figure membership leg of your coaching business, so you have stability, security, and lifestyle freedom on top of your regular 1:1 practice which by itself makes you insecure, vulnerable, and you have to always trade-hours-for-dollars. My system changes all that in just 8-weeks! 

And I thought, what a wonderful concept. 

I don’t have to change you. 

I don’t have to change who you are, what you sell, how you run your business, who you serve etc… 

I just install a automated 6-7 figure membership coaching practice (a side of your business, on top of what you do now), so you have the benefits without needing to life a finger, and without any additional work. In fact, it gives you much more free-time back. 

When you are ready, go here to apply for a talk to see if we’re a good fit to work together:

Andrew “Better Quality of Life on This Earth” Sonctranm

Better quality of life on this Earth… Read More »

Are You Shy?

I sure as heck am somtimes. 

Usually, when it’s an imitate conversation and I know there are eves droppers listening in on my conversation, that is kinda meant to be private. 

Tonight there was a woman in my dance class who has an amazing smile. 

She’s the instructor actually… 

I went up to her after the class and feebly said…

‘Thanks for the classes. They’re really fun’ 

She said, ‘Oh good’. 

And I asked for her phone number, which she complied. 

My tone of voice was weak sounding, soft, and shy. 

I was judging my tone while I was talking… 

…It perhaps appeared that way more to me, than her or anyone else. 

…That sharp inner critic is usually way off the mark. 

And this setting was a small room with multiple people who could hear…

It’s that situation that can throw me off a bit. 

Hey, I’m only human!

And you know what happens when you still act when you feel afraid, shy, or weak?

That’s called courage. 

It’s a virtue. 

And people can feel it.

Even if you come off shy, scared, or weak – it can still work magic because people know, see, and feel the courage under it.

That’s powerful stuff.

Sure it’s better if you were polished in all areas all the time, but that’s not possible for anyone. 

And the most important thing to actually get the ball rolling and get results, is the courage to take the first step. 

To take the first step, and get your complementary and complete roadmap to automated 6-7 figure membership business in just 8-weeks, then fill out the form here:

Andrew “Shy Sometimes And Ok With It” Sonctranm

Are You Shy? Read More »

Cool Jesus Testimonial

“Andrew, as a God fearing Christian man, I prayed to Jesus and He told me to work with you. I love how you are portrayed as the Savior to coaches and consultants in your Documentary at your main website. This was further confirmation the connection was right. Well, I apologize for waiting so long to update you on the results of the campaign. Drum roll please: it was a big praise God success clocking in at 675 members each signed up for $97 price point. That’s $65,475 in 8-weeksThat will be $785,700 you made me this year!” – JP (Leadership and Business Coach)

Thanks JP. 

Better late than never. And I’m happy that God led you to me. 

However you come, I’m happy to help you and to celebrate your success, total lifestyle freedom, and happiness that a automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business gives you. 

Even if you just have a small part of your coaching business membership based, it will change your life, your practice for the better, giving you options, freedom, and choice you never had before. 

To learn more, go here and fill out the strategy session form: 

You’ll be blessed when you do! 

Andrew “Blessed” Sonctranm

Cool Jesus Testimonial Read More »

New Podcast Episode: The Power of Thinking Big

Just dropped a new podcast episode called “The Power of Thinking Big” 

Listen to it here:

You’ll learn:

-Why activating the Power of Thinking BIG is critical to your results in life and strange for many people (and HOW to do so the ‘right’ way to avoid common mistakes and make it feel natural)

-The power of Smart Systems when thinking big to help you achieve your goals. 

-Dangers of thinking small (you want to make sure you NEVER do this 1 weird thing I discuss as it will kill your chance of success and a happy vibrant life)

-The secret to success

-The Power of ‘Success Loops’ (and how psychologists at Oxford say to activate it for maximum achievement with no added stress). 

-How to THINK BIG (you need to know this to do it right)

-And much, much more!


Let me know what helps you. 

Dedicated To Your Success!

Andrew “New Sunday Podcast” Sonctranm

New Podcast Episode: The Power of Thinking Big Read More »

$5,000 Challenge

I’ll teach you about a powerful loving-kindness meditation below, and give you $5,000 if you try it for 1 week and say it doesn’t start to change your life! But first…

Today is a wonderful day. 

I’m honoured to help so many good coaches and consultants like you escape modern day slavery by creating a automated 6-7 figure membership part of your coaching business for you. 

The promotion over the last days was designed to get financially stuggling coaches and consultants easily started. 

I had only room for 2 more, and happily have found the perfect fits out of so many applications submitted. 

I’m sorry if I couldn’t get back to you yet. 

I will try my hardest to do so, or let you know when new future spots open up for financially struggling coaches. 

Today, I want to talk about something soothing to give you a treat for enduring the last days promotion, if you are already a client or have recently signed up for a strategy session already, or we already talked. 

So todays topic will be about mindfulness. 

Mindfulness done in a specific way. 

Have you heard of loving-kindness meditation?

Have you ever done it (the right way)? 

The benefits are (when done the right way):

-Improved mood

-More joy


-People like you more

-You go to sleep fast and easy

-You wake happy and easily

-Improved digestion

-Improved overall wellbeing and health

-Done regularly, even increases gene expression for longevity

So how is this done right? 

Well, it’s NOT about reciting a mantra, or saying, or thinking…

Mindfulness doesn’t entail that. 

Mindfulness is really about observing, being, letting go…

So how do you arouse loving-kindness with no thinking? 


Mindfulness alone starts to automatically clear your mind, settle you, and put you in a feel good state… 

Which is a feel good state of loving kindness. 

When this loving kindness arises, you bring your awareness to it…

…Then I want you to watch what happens as you observe this loving-kind feeling…

Write me back to let me know…

Better yet… 

Take 1-2 weeks to do this daily for 30 minutes, and tell me it doesn’t start to change your life! 

I’ll bank wire transfer you $5,000 if you can honestly say you don’t notice a difference. 

Really. This is a real challenge. 

Can you see how this can start to revolutionize your life, how you live your life, business, relationships with friends, family, and yourself. 

Keep going!

And when you’re ready to get a automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business launch, go here to apply to talk:

Andrew “Loving-Kindness” Sonctranm 

$5,000 Challenge Read More »

New Podcast Episode: A Very Important Message

I just created a new podcast for you with a very important message for coaches and consultants. 

Check it out here:

It’s called “A very important message”…

If you want to have a automated 6-7 figure membership coaching or consulting business, this will change your life. 

You’ll also learn:

-What really makes you happy?

-What is really important in life?

-Why money won’t make you happy? 

-How to increase your happiness, freedom, and options?

-How to have a 6-7 figure automated membership coaching business in just 8-weeks without doing a common DIY stupid mistake?

-Why this system is not for broke unsuccessful coaches starting out? (and what you should do first if you aren’t at all successful yet). 

And much much more! 

I hope you enjoy. 

And take what you learn and use it! 

Andrew “Fresh Podcast” Sonctranm

New Podcast Episode: A Very Important Message Read More »

Playing to Win

One time when I was at an improv event, it was a competition day. The theme was competition and playing to win. 

Well that’s all I’ve ever done growing up..

It was hardwired into me. 

It’s why I can get my clients such incredible results too. 

It’s standard and typical to generate 300-500+ lifelong member signups in just 8-weeks all paying $97-$297 per month… why? 

Because I know how to WIN. 

I can play to win for you and that’s what I do. 

And everyone comes out a winner when I play to win for you by creating a automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business for you… 

But back to this improv event… there was a game where everyone had to stand on one-leg, and hands behind back, but we were to knock everyone down…

Now all  growing up I played Judo, so I understand balance VERY well, to say the least. 

I often would fight full contact no-weight-division and would revel in taking out an opponent 2-3X bigger than me in under 20 seconds using their own weight against them, slamming them face first in the mat with a chock hold forcing them to surrender and tap out almost instantly. 

So this was improv, and I didn’t want to hurt anyone… so I was going to take a compassionate approach to winning, and just let everyone tire out and give up because I knew I was in better shape than everyone and could balance and stand longer on one-leg. No problem. 

My plan was working, until a kinda crazy girl brought the competition to me, I tried to avoid her, but she kept throwing ALL her weight into me over and over and over again… 

I waited patiently, until I thought, I’ll just give her a ‘little’ nudge and throw her off balance so she can’t stand on just one leg. 

I gave her, what I thought was the smallest lightest harmless guidance, and she literally flew across the whole room, smashing into the wall and fan and broke the whole fan and light socket in the wall. 

It looked like I picked her up and threw her or pushed her as hard as I could, which simply was not the case, nor even close to it. 

She was giving me all she had though and couldn’t budge me. 

I gave her a warm, kind, little 1% total force push and she was sent into orbit only to come crashing down in dramatic fashion in front of everyone.  

The facilitator was a guy who was very very sensitive. A guy who has a rainbow color wallet if you know what I mean? Totally anti-competitive and ultra ‘safe-space’ kinda guy. 

I think he was doing this improv as therapy for himself because he was so obviously uncomfortable with competition. 

He was triggered and didn’t know what to do. 

The girl said she was fine and gave me a hug and no one took it seriously, but this guy was like it’s a competition but don’t play to win attitude. It is so F#$@ weird. 

Anyway, do you want to hire a guy like that to run your campaign or do anything for you? Hell no! He will lose and play to lose and that’s ok with him. Not me! 

I play to win. 

Winning matters.

Winning is good. 

When it comes down to real stakes on the line. Winning is a damn country, family, and heritage virtue I hold dearly. 

Anyone who disagrees with me, fine. That’s life. But I’ll still be over here winning. 

And my clients will be the benefactors of all this playing to win. 

If your ready to be part of all that winning, go here to read everyone now and apply for a call with me after to see if you and I area a good fit to work together:

Andrew “Winning Matters” Sonctranm

Playing to Win Read More »

New Podcast Episode

Click here for my new podcast called “The Automated 6-7 Figure Membership Coaching Business Math” 

In this podcast, we’ll cover:

-Why Escape Modern Day Slavery for coaches and consultants is the key to having a thriving coaching business, lifestyle freedom, and more impact on the work with little to no work? 

-The easy to follow math behind a automated 6-7 figure coaching membership business launch. (Why it’s super simple when you get this). 

-Why you need to have this as the hub of your business to thrive (and why it’s super easy to do so, and how to do so, without spending any more time or energy to do so – in fact, it will free up your time right away). 

And much more! 


Andrew “New Podcast” Sonctranm

New Podcast Episode Read More »

The Loneliest Coach In The World

If you try to go-it-alone by foolishly trying to launch your membership coaching business by yourself, you will fail and waste a lot of time. 

How do I know?

For over 15 years, I’ve heard these foolish stories from countless coaches and consultants who tried to do just that! Some are so pig-headed determined to succeed by their own sheer will-power, they burn out and only come to be after many wasted years trying but failing. 

Look, you wouldn’t try to perform heart-surgery on yourself, so why do you think you should do this by yourself? 

Isn’t it smarter, faster, and easier to just hire a real expert? Of course! 

So what if it costs a few extra dollars initially. Doesn’t it save you 100X overall? And saves your sanity? You bet! 

But why are some coaches and consultants so adamant about being a DYI (do-it-yourselfer)? Probably because they have helped themselves and have an attitude that is “can-do” which is good. But it can trip you up here. 

Just because in general a can-do attitude can help you succeed and persist doesn’t mean you should or that it is even wise to do so. For example: 

Would your can-do attitude help you if you are swimming under ice with no return in time for you to make it back alive? 

Will your can-do attitude help you survive jumping into a volcano? 

Will your can-do attitude help you fly if you jump from a plane with no parachute?

A can-do attitude will only get you so far! It doesn’t cure stupid! 

And it is very foolish to try to create your own automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business without expert hand-holding help. I’m not taking about an idiotic DIY book or course! I found you need my expert hand holding real help that is why I do it with you only, so you can’t mess it up. 

Otherwise, foolishly trying to do it yourself with a book or course is like having a book or course on doing heart surgery and trying to do that! You’ll just make a big mess and someone will die! Leave it to a real trained expert who succeeded at that thousands of times! 

That’s smart. 

And I’ve been named the world leader in automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business creation for a good reason. 

When your ready for a strategy session to get all the juicy details, apply here. It’s free to chat about it:

Andrew “World Leading Expert In Automated 6-7 Figure Coaching Business Creation” Sonctranm

The Loneliest Coach In The World Read More »

4 Phases of 6-7 Figure Coaching Membership Launch

To have a 6-7 figure automated coaching membership business with 300-500+ lifelong happy members within the next 8-weeks, you need:

Phase 1: Robust Research.

If you skip this phase, nothing will work. You can have the best looking marketing materials, website, pitch, etc… but nothing will work. I base all client membership coaching business launches on powerful research into your most viable niche that will buy your expertise according to my proven model for coaches and consultants. There is no guesswork. You should know with pin-point accuracy exactly WHO you’ll be selling to and helping. And you must have the right criteria for research to only have the relevant data. I have my top-gun researcher do this for you in about 3 days. 

Phase 2: Marketing Material Creation.

You need to have powerful marketing materials that will allow you to generate at least 300-500+ new lifelong loyal members all paying you $97-$297 each per month, giving you a automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business right out the gate. If your marketing materials can’t do this, without you needing to lift a finger, then your marketing sucks. Period. You need much better marketing or you are wasting your time. 

Phase 3: Optimization.

This is all about guaranteeing a positive front-end ROI of 50% – 75% on all ad-spend, so there is absolutely zero-risk. This means, you put in $1 and you get back $2. Right away, no loss. No chance of loss. Pure profits in your bank today. Good optimization for a automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business always optimizes like this or it’s a failure or the person doing your marketing should be fired yesterday. There is no reason why you should ever risk anything when rolling out a campaign.

Phase 4: Campaign Rollout. 

This is the fun part. We’ve already seen sales come in during optimization and you are now on point and have zero-risk because the metrics are always positive front-end ROI. Now it’s time to pull the lever and have some fun. This is when a huge number or members come in fast. 300-500 new members is the minimum you should be aiming for because it gives you a solid automated high 6-figure membership coaching business. And we can typically do even more. I do all the above phases with you or for you, and make it easy, fun, and quick. Now just enjoy the benefits of having this set up for you. You have now joined the smartest group of coaches and consultants in the world using this system to Escape Modern Day Slavery for good. 

Are you next? If so, apply here for your strategy session (or if you already did, email me back you are ready):

Andrew “The 4 Phases Are Bible” Sonctranm

4 Phases of 6-7 Figure Coaching Membership Launch Read More »

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