Self-Love for Coaches

Do you really love yourself? (this might surprise you…)

Do you really love others? (if you don’t do this, you won’t ever love…)

How are these 2 above questions actually the same question? (your about to find out a powerful secret to loving yourself and as a result others more…)

When you love yourself, you can love others.

When you don’t love yourself, it’s harder to love others too.

So to grow in love, you need to learn first how to love yourself.

If you are slaving away in a 1-to-1 coaching practice…

… trading-hours-for-dollars…

… and not enjoying the kind of lifestyle freedom you could from loving yourself enough to get a automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business working for you…

… so you can be totally lifestyle free…

… then you need to stop working so much to have a second to think, why aren’t you loving yourself as much as you can? Because…

…when you learn to love yourself by getting an automated 6-7 figure coaching business in the next 8-weeks with my help, you aren’t being selfish!..

… You are loving yourself…

… and as a result loving all your clients more, and helping more clients than ever before…

… And as your self-love grows, you will be blessed beyond measure.

Trust me, you will thank me later… 

You deserve freedom, liberation, and love.

Take the first step to loving yourself by getting your own 6-7 figure automated coaching business blueprint on your complementary strategy session call here:

(if you already filled out the form, reply to this email with the subject like “Yes Andrew, Let Me In!”, and I’ll follow up with you soon)

Andrew “Love Yourself” Sonctranm

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