The 4 P’s of Coaching Biz Failure (And How To Fix It)

An automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business is the cure to uncertainty, frustration, and failure.

As a coach, your life is plagued with inevitable hardships, failure, and frustration if you have a bad habit of practicing the 4-P’s…

Namely, piss poor prior planning.

The 4-P’s are a major cause of all failure.

And lord knows there will be a time when you can’t work 1:1 as effectively, efficiently, or at all because of age, health and disease that will randomly come your way.

The best way to plan for this is by having an automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business that has 300-500+ lifetime membership all paying you $97-$297 for your wisdom, insights and knowledge.

When you get my help to build this in just 8-weeks from now, it will be like you went from having a castle with no protective walls, no army, and no way to survive an attack, TO: having a huge strong wall none of your enemies can climb over, a powerful army, and the best weapons and training so you can defend any attack and win.

This will guarantee your success, safety, and joy no matter what happens. You and your loved ones will be fully protected.

Now that is being SMART and planning proactively and to do so now, go here:

Andrew “SMART” Sonctranm

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