How Coaches Lean Into Success (and Lifestyle Freedom)

There are many parts of the human mind. 

If you are going to live your best life as a coach, and help the most people, and have total lifestyle freedom – you’ll need to master your various parts so you can act in a way that is most supportive and helpful to you.

There are scared parts, confident parts, sad parts, angry parts etc…

Disharmony is when your different parts are there and fighting. Or you are fighting them. 

For example, one part of you wants to own a automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business, and another part of you is scared to do something new, try something new – even though countless other coaches just like you already have and are successful as a result.

They fight, war, and create paralysis analysis for you. 

This is what disharmony does. 

So what are you to do about it? Submitting to it will ruin your life and base your life on false alarms. Fighting it will cause internal struggle as well.

Here is the solution: recognize these different parts and accept them by bringing love to them. 

They are just there, usually because of a past childhood trauma, and are trying to protect you. But they don’t do so in a way that is balanced and helpful today. Most of the time these protective parts can be 3, 4, or even 5 years old, so naturally if they are running your life now, you are acting in a way that is no longer helpful. 

But fighting these parts and putting them down is not the answer. Loving them is the answer. 

This tends to create greater harmony when you can hold the parts at the same time with love and acceptance. 

That doesn’t mean you listen to or follow their direction. No. 

You need to be the mature, wise, healthy adult that can act on your values and sooth your various parts that try to control your behaviour in ways that are no longer relevant. 

How do you do that? 

I’ll get to that in future emails, but one important way is to always hold all parts and act anyway. 

It has been age-old-wisdom and advice to feel-the-fear-and-do-it-anyway… 

The mantra and habit of unsuccessful limited people is feel-the-fear-and-avoid… this greatly limits your life and will kill your adventure, joy, growth, and satisfaction in life

When in doubt, and there are waring parts. Don’t avoid. Lean in…

…That’s where the action and results are. 

To learn how to lean in grab your strategy session here and learn that and much more, at no cost to you:

Andrew “Lean In” Sonctranm

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