What is love? Lady don’t hurt me, no more…

What is love?

If you ask 100 people, you might get 100 different answers. 

And they might all be right, in their own way. 

And your definition is right, in many ways too. 

One definition of love (I have many too), is a feeling. 

There are different feeling tones and types of love too, so I’ll focus just on one form of loving feeling called ‘loving-kindness’, today. 

If you cultivate this type of loving feeling consistently, it can and will make you more joyful, loving, and loved. 

The Buddha said that it is one of the divine abodes and to cultivate this mindfulness, always. 

That takes you to the question… what really is mindfulness? 

Is the western concept of mindfulness half-baked? 

Is there a proper formula of mindfulness the Buddha talked about that is different? 

And is it more rewarding and fulfilling?

The answer to all these question is YES. 

And now I’ll answer the question what mindfulness really is when done correctly…

Mindfulness was always fused with loving-kindness awareness. 

This means towards yourself, others, and the planet. 

And this is to be cultivated. 

When you do cultivate this life is more meaningful, rich and rewarding. 

And you are the first one who benefits. 

Your clients, family, friends and all others benefit next. 

And the whole world is a better place because of it so that is third. 

Really, they aren’t separate as when you practice loving-mindfulness mindfulness all three benefit at the same time. 

I have met many long-term and life-time meditators that didn’t learn this secret. 

They developed many benefits, but didn’t experience deep loving change to their personalities. 

That is a half-baked shame to miss out on the loving-kindness transformation that naturally is to come with practicing mindfulness correctly. 

I highly recommend to practice some loving-kindness today even if just for 5-15 minutes. 

Feel love for yourself, then everyone else in your life, then expand this loving-kind feeling to the whole world. 

Take this with you throughout the day as best you kind, and remember to be kind to yourself. 

Andrew “Loving Kindness is The Path To Cultivate” Sonctranm

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