Morning Bio-Hack

Have you ever let the sun in your eyes early in the morning?

Modern neuroscience shows that if you do this one little morning bio-hack, you’ll feel better, sleep better, and have more sustained energy throughout the day.

It’s funny to call it a bio-hack… because it’s just normal common living the way our ancestors lived.

But today, you might be so cooped up that you don’t get a good amount of bright light exposure to your eyes until later in the day. 

This makes you tired, groggy, and less productive. 

Kinda like running on a treadmill with a stomach full of food. 

You can do it, but it’s not as enjoyable and there is an easier way to go through the day. 

Let natural light in your eyes by going outside, and it only takes 5-10 minutes. 

Remember, you have a lot of free time now because you’re one of the smart coaches and consultants who is reading my emails, the escape modern day slavery toolkit, and signing up for a strategy session with yours truly. 

So you will be enjoying a lot of freedom, liberation, and the potential for a lot of fun, but you got to make sure your are living life full-throttle! 

You don’t want to set up my system so you can make 6-7 figure automatically in your coaching business and just sit around eating bon-bons all day. 

That’s not who my system is for!

I want active, life-loving, full-throttle people who want to travel, enjoy life, and help others using my system… 

Then it will be a huge blessing to your life instead of a curse. 

The reality is, maybe your 1-to-1 coaching business protects your because you’d be too lazy to start a fun hobby, travel the world, or help others if you were not fully motivated by making money (trading hours-for-dollars)…

But if you are mature enough to take control of your activities and life and live with full passion, there is nothing better in this whole-wide-world for helping coaches and consultants have all the lifestyle freedom in the world to live your best life possible! 

It starts with reading the Escape Modern Day Slavery toolkit, I give you totally free of charge here:

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