New Success Story

This fantastic comment was emailed to me today by my dear client JP (my comments to follow): 


“Andrew.. I’m writing in to let you know how deeply grateful I am to you. I was doing an exercise you talked about in one of your podcasts at your website, called, counting 3 blessings per day, and then why they were blessings. And you were one of the blessings that I counted. If it wasn’t for you, I’d still be burnt out, overwhelmed, overworked and not enjoying life the way I am now. Not even close. I’m grateful you allowed me to get started with just a smaller initial investment deposit, so I could build trust working with you and then see you were the real deal before jumping all the way in because I was skeptical at first if this really worked or if you could really help me automate my coaching business. Once you offered that, I jumped at it and sent the small deposit then you started work right away and I was overly impressed with your quality and professionalism. Best decision I ever made. I’m happy you came into my life because you transformed it my friend. Maybe even saved my sanity. My membership business has been at 1,300 – 1,400 members for over 2 years now without me doing anything at all. The system you created to make this possible and create lifelong happy members is remarkable and I’d never have come close to creating it on my own without your genius. Thank you friend. Know you are truly appreciated.” – JP, Coach and Consultant.


Thanks JP 🙂 It means a lot. It is coaches and consultants like you that make me smile. 

I’m happy to have helped you, and I’m glad you are living a lifestyle with total freedom now. 

Keep rocking! 

And for any coach or consultant who wants to take a small step to get started now too and get similar results, lets talk on a strategy session here:

If you already filled out an application, or we already talked and you want to talk about options to start easily too, just write me back with the subject “Andrew, I’m Interested”, and I’ll send you options to get started easily now. 

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