Danger To My System (None At All Actually)

I’ll tell you why my system can be outright dangerous in the hands of the wrong coach or consultant in a minute, but first, here’s another poem for you to explain what I mean…
I’m calling this educational poem ‘Unity’ (and my thoughts to follow on why it’s important for you to understand if you are a coach or consultant who becomes financially free and lifestyle free with an automated 6-7 figure coaching members business that makes you 300-500 lifelong members paying you $97-$297 in the first 8-weeks, for your wisdom):
Lonely, isolated, depressive at the top? Depends on how you live it says the recluse. Do you love others with a genuine heart, do you open with smile to the face of your loved ones in the rain, in the soil and even the bugs? How can I do that says the lonely man? I am rich, powerful, almighty am I! I don’t need to be kind, compassionate, and gentle to have glee! Let me drink, sing songs, dance and have a party, for tomorrow we all die, and this goes on endlessly. Yes, says the recluse, you can do that if you wish. But might I ask, to whom wish? Your ancestors are in the rain, the dirt, and the booze you consume to drown out your sorrows and despair, but perhaps you would find a better living, a better meaning if you would only listen to their loving embrace. You aren’t along fool, wake up! Even the chair you sit on or the computer or phone you read this from is beaming with your ancestor’s genetics. They aren’t dead, and tomorrow you will not die either, we are all one and you will just transform to a new form. For where something is, it cannot be nothing even if it transforms. And transform you will, but the reality is we are all one. Comfort yourself in this unseen truth that the wise old recluse knows and imparted to you. Once you see it you can’t unsee it, and your ways might naturally change for the better. I hope so. 
There is a danger to my system. 
In fact, it’s so effective at making you rich quickly that you need to watch out. 
There are many coaches and consultants who become rich, but then become arrogant, isolate, and hermits. 
Why? Because they don’t have a spiritual foundation too. 
You need to always balance and work at your spiritual life which is about giving, loving, and compassion to yourself and others…
…Doing this, my powerful money-making system will be a total life-enhancing game-changer for you! 
Then it’s the best thing to ever happen to you and the world!
Why not become one of the coaches and consultants I’ve helped build an automated 6-7 figure coaching business for in just 8-weeks? You can get all the juicy secrets by signing up for your complementary strategy session here: http://EscapeModernDaySlavery.com/thanks 

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