SMS Exchange with New Client

Here’s a back and fourth SMS from a client 1 weeks ago, who now became a happy Client since… these messages were before she became a Client (my comments to follow after the SMS exchange):


CLIENT: “Yeah, but hopefully I will be able to raise the money to join your program and get your help, will try hard and let you know soon. About the social media, especially in todays world with it being quite common, it is actually you who does business in a less common way. What I’m trying to say is that me being nervous about that is quiet common, it is actually you who does business in a less common way. What I’m trying to say is that me bieng nervious about that is quite okay and mentally everything is possible, and I will work with yoU! I’m just willing be be on social media insted of getting off it, as you’re stance is to be off social media and enjoy business success and lifestyle freedom. And I got your point that you won’t change your mind about social media. Thanks for the link.”

ME: “I don’t look to others to determine what I do or think is common or uncommon. Has zero influence on how I do things as I’m self-directed. I simply do not like it. It is harmful psychologically. Studies I’ve read, report just 15 minutes of daily use increases chances for clinical depression 600%. It is painful to be on. Loss of freedom, privacy, and it’s not anything I want to be doing in my free-time. Cuts off contact with real people in real life. I hate it. I think it should be used as a torture device by the CIA to interrogate terrorists with as it will drive them crazy. I’m willing to do things effectively, efficiently, and in a way that gives me the freedom and lifestyle I want and help my clients do the same. No thanks to the torture device called social media. Totally not needed to have a automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business and anything else you’d ever want to do.”

CLIENT: “Right, that’s actually what I liked in you the most – you being self-directed, and a bit unfair from my side asking for what is common today and enslaves almost everyone. You’re quite rare <3 maybe we don’t match but whatever you’re doing, you’re doing it great.” 


This coach has now become a happy client and during the above exchange she wasn’t sure how she could trust a guru who totally shuns social media, Google, Youtube etc… 

She’s well on her way to enjoying total lifestyle freedom in the next 8-weeks as I help her do exactly that. 

She learned that loving privacy. Enjoying privacy. Enjoying lifestyle freedom on your terms… never is about hiding anything, or doing things a way you think they ‘should’ be done or what others expect you to do.

Freedom, privacy, and liberty is a wealth just as important as gold, money, and assets.  

Freedom is about having the ability to call the shots and live life on your terms, not being a mindless sheep following the herd. 

Saying yes to the disaster that social media brings into your life – one of the things that has made people more disconnected, unhappy, and more depressed than anything else in modern history, is not the way to live a free life. 

If you want to use it, go ahead. I don’t force any of my clients to not use it if you want to. That is your choice and my system works even if you use it. But…

I created my system to run fully independent of any social media, Google or anything else like that. 

It’s stealth and direct in nature. 

It ensures your privacy, freedom, and liberty.  

And the big government advocates and especially people who want to track your every move (social media giants) want to try to take your privacy away. 

They spend hundreds of millions of dollars trying to misinform the public and create false belief in the public that if you value privacy you have something to hide. This is just part of their manipulation, mind-control propoganda. Do not let that BS influence you. 

Instead be self-directed. Ask yourself:…

Ask yourself: Do I really ‘want’ to be wasting my time with social media? .

Is that really the life your want to live? 

How much of your life have you wasted with social media so far? Be honest. Really calculated it. You might be shocked! 

Personally, I don’t want to waste even 1 second with it and I will not for the rest of my life. 

And I’ll enjoy my life. I have bee doing that for over 16 years and things are groovy baby.

And my clients find out the same exact thing. 

To learn how to have a more thriving business than ever before. To have an automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business with 300-500+ members all paying you $97-$297 each, per month, month-after-month – in the next 8-weeks, go here:

Andrew “Social Media Can Kiss My A#@ And Yours Too” Sonctranm

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