The Way of The Superior Coach & Consultant

There are two types of clients I’ve noticed over the years. 

1 is the person who comes on strong, full of energy, and ready to get started. 

They are excited about the program, the possibilities, and the freedom the membership that has 300-500+ members in 8-weeks will give them – a 6-7 figure automated coaching business. And…

…Total lifestyle freedom – even if you don’t want to travel, you’ll still love the freedom to be able to travel wherever you want, whenever you want, with whoever you want – any time – all the time – and you’ll never have money worries again. 

This is freedom. 

And I specialize in doing just this for you. 

The issue is with the 1st clients, is that once you get started on your goal and move closer to your vision and values, what the spiritual traditions in India and Buddhism call Mara pop off to keep you off course. To put you back in your comfort zone, and try to make sure you don’t take another step forward… 

…They yell at you in your head, scream at you, try to pretend like they give you advice, try to scare you, create doubt in you, and even Mara can come in the form of your family and friends. 

One thing is for sure, Mara will try to hold you back and prevent you from your destiny. You should expect this internal fight… and know you can just learn to let Mara be there, not listen, don’t take it seriously, or even laugh at how crazy Mara tries to work to make you feel and act in ways that prevent you from your values and vision and goals we’ve set out to achieve for you. 

The inferior person, hasn’t learned to beat Mara yet. They are influenced by Mara’s forces and they let Mara stop them from their values and goal. 

Mara loves making you even believe this is your idea. A dirty trick Mara plays when you let this evil force infect your mind and emotions. 

The 2nd kind of client is one that sets out on the values and goals we’ve outlined together. 

And they are excited and are confidently moving forward. And then…

Mara strikes! 

Mara yells, screams, and creates anxiety, doubt, fear… and Mara even attacks in the form of family, friends, and acquaintances. 

Mara is really powerful. But these clients are more powerful than Mara, and know not to believe in Mara’s lies, tricks, fears, and games. 

Instead, they can observe Mara and keep a peaceful calm inside and keep moving forward towards your values and goals we’ve outlined even though Mara is yelling at you to stop. 

Mara is the evil force in the world that doesn’t want you to help more people, be liberated, and life a life free of his evil influence. 

So these clients have learned like the buddha, to feel the fear and do it anyway. 

They realize ANY TIME you set out on your values and goals in a powerful destined way and have aligned energy with a force that can help you get there, Mara will come strongly to stop you. 

If you stop moving forward, Mara will go away. This is how he rewards you. But…

…As you learn to ignore Mara and move forward on your goals and values, the louder he will scream at you and try to stop you…

The superior person learns to just let Mara do this. Let Mara be. Realize he can try and come along for the ride. You can relax and not take it seriously and just commit to your action and moving forward. 

The superior person expects Mara to do this EVERY TIME. It will never go away. 

The superiors persons practice is to know this and let Mara be without letting it control your behaviour. 

You are a powerful spirit. You are a powerful superior person. It is time to show Mara that you don’t take him seriously. He can’t and won’t stop you. He has a loud bark, but no bite. 

Let’s go. 

You got this! 

This is your time! 

Mara can come along for the ride. 

Andrew “Mara is a paper-tooth tiger” Sonctranm

PS if you didn’t get your own strategy session application booked yet, go here: 

PPS I’m very busy and can’t get to everyone. But if you filled out the form, please reply to this email with the subject line “Yes! Andrew I’m Ready”, and I’ll try to get to you soon. 

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