New Client Testimonials

here’s a few coach clients similar to you:

“Andrew Sonctranm revolutionized everything about my coaching business. Taking me from $47,384 the year before working 130 hours per month, to $58,832 per month clocking out at $705,984 this year… all while working ZERO hours. I know that sounds hard to believe, but Andrew set it up to be automated and the members just keep paying every month after the launch. He has so many effective stick strategies that keep members happy and staying and getting their friends to sign up too. So there’s no ongoing marketing or work. I can’t believe this exists, but it is the 21st century. We’ve gone to the moon, created jet airplanes, and the Internet. So this just leverages smarter systems and modern day technology to make it happen for any coach or consultant. If you are a coach or consultant on the fence about working with Andrew, I urge you to get off the fence. Life is too short and Andrew’s system will set you free with greater income, automating your business, so you can live a lifestyle of freedom and retire doing whatever you love with no money worries if you want. Just do it.”
-Jeb Stone, Coach and Consultant

“The way coaches and consultants are doing it is all wrong. That is if you haven’t hired Andrew Sonctranm yet to build you a 6-7 figure automated coaching business in your niche that will give you the freedom and income you deserve. I know first hand. Andrew actually built me a 6-figure per month automated coaching business and I’ve been retired since. I didn’t want to work until the grave over 100 hours per month just to get by. Andrew saved me from that. And now I’m making more money and have more freedom than I know what to do with! A great welcome problem to have if you ask me. You can have the same if you are smart enough to reach out to Andrew Sonctranm and work with him. He is the best and only one in the world at making coaches and consultants 6-7 figure automated businesses within 8-weeks.”
-Sally Hodges, Coach and Consultant

“If you are a coach or consultant, you don’t have to suffer from what Andrew Sonctranm calls the modern day slavery trap. Because he’s created a system that can free you up entirely and give you are the income you’d need to live a fairy tale life of luxury in any area, country, place in the world. Because making 6-7 figures or more per year (and many even per month), puts you in the top 1% to 00.001% of income earners in the world. And the best part is, Andrew sets up your coaching business in a way, with an added leg (if you will), that is totally independent and automated making you this kind of money and giving you total lifestyle freedom if you don’t want to work anymore. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I wish you to same for yours.”

-Jeff Williams, Coach and Consultant

To get your complementary strategy session where I give you a fully customized roadmap to your unique coaching or consulting business that can make you 6-7 figures or more automatically this year, fill out the form here:


Andrew Sonctranm

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