A Deep Spiritual Truth

The essence of all is love.  

Trauma or modern living might hide the truth away from you, but I believe all is love.

Knowing, cultivating, and nurturing this can help you live a more fulfilling life, improve your health, make you sleep better and countless other benefits… 

I’ve had an experience a few months ago that has been an evolution in my mindfulness lifestyle and meditation practice and spiritual practice in general. 

I literally had the experience of being love. 

My true nature is love. 

And I felt it, saw, it and experienced it in such a profound way that it made a lasting impression on me that has moved forward my spiritual practice in profound ways. 

It was at a ‘breathwork’ retreat in Sri Lanka.

I was practicing mindfulness and vipassana every day for many many years now, so I was really able to tap into the breathwork practice easily, stay with things, and go where I needed to go. 

The most astonishing thing happened as I went into the breathing, my arms started to flail around in the most crazy manner. I just relaxed into it. 

And then I’d start laughing historically. I just allowed all that too. 

Then things settled down and I felt a form of bliss and present in my body with total loving essence. And cried at the beauty and healing energy of it all.

In short, I tapped into what many others only can tap into through spiritual ceremonial Ayahuasca or magic mushrooms…

Many times people who take those things feel a sense of being grounded and present in the body and even love. 

I already am present in my body and never took the above ceremonies. I prefer to use my own mind. But I realized through talking to many of the people who have done that, I feel most of the time they way they feel temporarily when they take those substances.

But a big breakthrough for me happened when I tapped into the love. 

I realized a deeper truth. 

The loving-kindness or ‘metta’ the Buddha talked about. 

Everything points towards that love. 

Being that love, feeling that love, intent based on love. It’s a rich and fulfilling existence. And is deeper than any of us. 

Often times, when people learn mindfulness, they don’t learn about the love. 

The Buddha always used mindfulness in conjunction with love. It is the be infused. Developed, cultivated, and basked in. 

I’ve sense learned to cultivate love in a way that changes the brain and taps into stem cells and neuroplasticity to enjoy this spiritual development and enjoy profound change. 

I’ll talk about those methods in other posts, but for now now…

There is a tremendous amount of good that comes from mindfulness, and when you learn to wrap it in love the way it was always historically taught, without attachment (a subtle art that must be learned), you can move into a deeper more fulfilling mindfulness and spiritual life. 

And it’s important to have some form of deep spiritual life if you are going to enjoy your life to it’s fullest when you have an automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business with my help. 

I made a full free toolkit for you here: 


Andrew “Love” Sonctranm

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