Playing to Win

One time when I was at an improv event, it was a competition day. The theme was competition and playing to win. 

Well that’s all I’ve ever done growing up..

It was hardwired into me. 

It’s why I can get my clients such incredible results too. 

It’s standard and typical to generate 300-500+ lifelong member signups in just 8-weeks all paying $97-$297 per month… why? 

Because I know how to WIN. 

I can play to win for you and that’s what I do. 

And everyone comes out a winner when I play to win for you by creating a automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business for you… 

But back to this improv event… there was a game where everyone had to stand on one-leg, and hands behind back, but we were to knock everyone down…

Now all  growing up I played Judo, so I understand balance VERY well, to say the least. 

I often would fight full contact no-weight-division and would revel in taking out an opponent 2-3X bigger than me in under 20 seconds using their own weight against them, slamming them face first in the mat with a chock hold forcing them to surrender and tap out almost instantly. 

So this was improv, and I didn’t want to hurt anyone… so I was going to take a compassionate approach to winning, and just let everyone tire out and give up because I knew I was in better shape than everyone and could balance and stand longer on one-leg. No problem. 

My plan was working, until a kinda crazy girl brought the competition to me, I tried to avoid her, but she kept throwing ALL her weight into me over and over and over again… 

I waited patiently, until I thought, I’ll just give her a ‘little’ nudge and throw her off balance so she can’t stand on just one leg. 

I gave her, what I thought was the smallest lightest harmless guidance, and she literally flew across the whole room, smashing into the wall and fan and broke the whole fan and light socket in the wall. 

It looked like I picked her up and threw her or pushed her as hard as I could, which simply was not the case, nor even close to it. 

She was giving me all she had though and couldn’t budge me. 

I gave her a warm, kind, little 1% total force push and she was sent into orbit only to come crashing down in dramatic fashion in front of everyone.  

The facilitator was a guy who was very very sensitive. A guy who has a rainbow color wallet if you know what I mean? Totally anti-competitive and ultra ‘safe-space’ kinda guy. 

I think he was doing this improv as therapy for himself because he was so obviously uncomfortable with competition. 

He was triggered and didn’t know what to do. 

The girl said she was fine and gave me a hug and no one took it seriously, but this guy was like it’s a competition but don’t play to win attitude. It is so F#$@ weird. 

Anyway, do you want to hire a guy like that to run your campaign or do anything for you? Hell no! He will lose and play to lose and that’s ok with him. Not me! 

I play to win. 

Winning matters.

Winning is good. 

When it comes down to real stakes on the line. Winning is a damn country, family, and heritage virtue I hold dearly. 

Anyone who disagrees with me, fine. That’s life. But I’ll still be over here winning. 

And my clients will be the benefactors of all this playing to win. 

If your ready to be part of all that winning, go here to read everyone now and apply for a call with me after to see if you and I area a good fit to work together:

Andrew “Winning Matters” Sonctranm

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