Frank Talk from The World Leader in Automated 6-7 Figure Coaching Membership Business

It’s Wednesday July 19, 12:32pm, and I’m writing you from my mountain home in Switzerland. And no I don’t feel all the heat or heat wave up here they are talking about in the news! 

I’m having an urge to talk strong with you. I can tell someone is reading this who needs to make a bold change and by doing so you will help many people and have a much better life. But I can tell you need some very clear guidance right now, so…

Let me talk very frank with you: 

There is nothing more important in your life than automating your business BECAUSE it allows you the freedom to do more of the things you want to do in your life…

When you automate your coaching business and make 300-500 members in the first 8-weeks, all paying you $97-$297 each, per month – month-after-month – that gives you a automated high 6-7 figure income so you can:

Help more people. 

Travel as much as you want (and take your loved ones with you), whenever you want.

Retire your spouse.

Retire now if you want. 

Take care of your family or loved ones forever. 

Contribute more to causes you love. 

Having the financial freedom and time freedom to do so!


I’ve been helping countless coaches and consultants and even therapists, just like you, achieve all of the above in just 8-weeks flat. 

In fact, I guarantee your success. 


Because I know what I’m doing. 

This is not some bull-shit (excuse my French) fantasy in the sky. This is a real, proven, battle-tested hands-on, holding-your-hand, doing-it-with-you, doing-it-for-you, program that is the closest thing you can ever get to a 100% guarantee in this life…

Why I’m so confident. 

I’ve done this again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again… all with the same level of success each time. 

It’s like as if a performer and everyone comes to see my show or rock concert… I’m the best at what I do here and will rock-the-house! Every time! This. Is. What. I. Do. And…

I’ve been doing this for over 17 years now. 

I’ve opened up the doors again to accept a small hand selected group of only 5 to work with one-on-one so you can get all the access to me and help from me using my system to achieve 300-500 members in just 8-weeks – no matter what.

I’m taking calls now on a first come, first serve basis.

If you are lucky enough to get a call from me during this time, it’s because you were smart enough to fill out a strategy session form here: 

This strategy session is designed to give you a lot of value and expert direction even if I say you are not a good fit to work together. I will still bend over backwards to make sure you are better off than before we talked. 

Sign up now, if you haven’t already. You’ll be glad you did. 

Andrew “Frank Talk” Sonctranm

PS if you already filled out the strategy session form but didn’t hear back from me yet, reply to this email with the subject “Yes! I’m Interested!” and include your best phone # in the body of the message. Because sometimes the forms fall through the cracks. 

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