Author name: Andrew Sonctranm

New Success Story

This fantastic comment was emailed to me today by my dear client JP (my comments to follow): 


“Andrew.. I’m writing in to let you know how deeply grateful I am to you. I was doing an exercise you talked about in one of your podcasts at your website, called, counting 3 blessings per day, and then why they were blessings. And you were one of the blessings that I counted. If it wasn’t for you, I’d still be burnt out, overwhelmed, overworked and not enjoying life the way I am now. Not even close. I’m grateful you allowed me to get started with just a smaller initial investment deposit, so I could build trust working with you and then see you were the real deal before jumping all the way in because I was skeptical at first if this really worked or if you could really help me automate my coaching business. Once you offered that, I jumped at it and sent the small deposit then you started work right away and I was overly impressed with your quality and professionalism. Best decision I ever made. I’m happy you came into my life because you transformed it my friend. Maybe even saved my sanity. My membership business has been at 1,300 – 1,400 members for over 2 years now without me doing anything at all. The system you created to make this possible and create lifelong happy members is remarkable and I’d never have come close to creating it on my own without your genius. Thank you friend. Know you are truly appreciated.” – JP, Coach and Consultant.


Thanks JP 🙂 It means a lot. It is coaches and consultants like you that make me smile. 

I’m happy to have helped you, and I’m glad you are living a lifestyle with total freedom now. 

Keep rocking! 

And for any coach or consultant who wants to take a small step to get started now too and get similar results, lets talk on a strategy session here:

If you already filled out an application, or we already talked and you want to talk about options to start easily too, just write me back with the subject “Andrew, I’m Interested”, and I’ll send you options to get started easily now. 

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Secrets of the healthiest oldest man to ever live…

115 year old Bernando Lapallo was a personal friend of mine. 

I would take him shopping for his rainbow coloured fruit so he could make a fruit salad with it. 

Of course, I wanted to eat some too. 

He would always be generous and give me as many servings as I wanted. 

A lovely man. 

And a genuine friend. 

And the healthiest oldest man alive. Sharp as a tac. 

His secret was trust, love, gratitude, joy and love for people… 

He’d walk 1 mile every morning, take a superfood shake early, and count his blessings… 

A man of faith, love, and strong belief in a loving caring forgiving God…

And just because he was older doesn’t mean it was charity to hangout with him, or I was doing a ‘good deed’ by doing so…

All that can be true if you want to look at it through that lens, but the reality is we just enjoyed eachother. 

He was my friend and I was his. Good deeds just come from that friendship and trust. 

You can look him up on YouTube and he has some recipes he makes in his kitchen. The same kitchen I ate many healthy delicious meals in. 

He also has a book on Amazon if you are interested in his life. 

Anyway, I believe in treating all my clients like close friends and family. 

That is why my clients form such a good relationship with me years and year and years down the road. 

For me, this is just how I like to operate my life. It’s so much more enjoyable than being transactional. 

What I do is a true labour of love and comes from the heart. My clients will be the first to vouch for this. 

And I suggest you learn to do so as well. It will make you feel more alive, less stress, and you’ll have a better time overall. 

We are here to connect, love, and help each other. And it’s important to create your own world of doing so even if you can see other lower-class people are transactional. They are not the ones to be looking to for advice. 

To find out more information that can transform your coaching or consulting business, get the full free toolkit here:

Andrew “Friends & Family” Sonctranm

Secrets of the healthiest oldest man to ever live… Read More »

A Deep Spiritual Truth

The essence of all is love.  

Trauma or modern living might hide the truth away from you, but I believe all is love.

Knowing, cultivating, and nurturing this can help you live a more fulfilling life, improve your health, make you sleep better and countless other benefits… 

I’ve had an experience a few months ago that has been an evolution in my mindfulness lifestyle and meditation practice and spiritual practice in general. 

I literally had the experience of being love. 

My true nature is love. 

And I felt it, saw, it and experienced it in such a profound way that it made a lasting impression on me that has moved forward my spiritual practice in profound ways. 

It was at a ‘breathwork’ retreat in Sri Lanka.

I was practicing mindfulness and vipassana every day for many many years now, so I was really able to tap into the breathwork practice easily, stay with things, and go where I needed to go. 

The most astonishing thing happened as I went into the breathing, my arms started to flail around in the most crazy manner. I just relaxed into it. 

And then I’d start laughing historically. I just allowed all that too. 

Then things settled down and I felt a form of bliss and present in my body with total loving essence. And cried at the beauty and healing energy of it all.

In short, I tapped into what many others only can tap into through spiritual ceremonial Ayahuasca or magic mushrooms…

Many times people who take those things feel a sense of being grounded and present in the body and even love. 

I already am present in my body and never took the above ceremonies. I prefer to use my own mind. But I realized through talking to many of the people who have done that, I feel most of the time they way they feel temporarily when they take those substances.

But a big breakthrough for me happened when I tapped into the love. 

I realized a deeper truth. 

The loving-kindness or ‘metta’ the Buddha talked about. 

Everything points towards that love. 

Being that love, feeling that love, intent based on love. It’s a rich and fulfilling existence. And is deeper than any of us. 

Often times, when people learn mindfulness, they don’t learn about the love. 

The Buddha always used mindfulness in conjunction with love. It is the be infused. Developed, cultivated, and basked in. 

I’ve sense learned to cultivate love in a way that changes the brain and taps into stem cells and neuroplasticity to enjoy this spiritual development and enjoy profound change. 

I’ll talk about those methods in other posts, but for now now…

There is a tremendous amount of good that comes from mindfulness, and when you learn to wrap it in love the way it was always historically taught, without attachment (a subtle art that must be learned), you can move into a deeper more fulfilling mindfulness and spiritual life. 

And it’s important to have some form of deep spiritual life if you are going to enjoy your life to it’s fullest when you have an automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business with my help. 

I made a full free toolkit for you here:

Andrew “Love” Sonctranm

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Morning Bio-Hack

Have you ever let the sun in your eyes early in the morning?

Modern neuroscience shows that if you do this one little morning bio-hack, you’ll feel better, sleep better, and have more sustained energy throughout the day.

It’s funny to call it a bio-hack… because it’s just normal common living the way our ancestors lived.

But today, you might be so cooped up that you don’t get a good amount of bright light exposure to your eyes until later in the day. 

This makes you tired, groggy, and less productive. 

Kinda like running on a treadmill with a stomach full of food. 

You can do it, but it’s not as enjoyable and there is an easier way to go through the day. 

Let natural light in your eyes by going outside, and it only takes 5-10 minutes. 

Remember, you have a lot of free time now because you’re one of the smart coaches and consultants who is reading my emails, the escape modern day slavery toolkit, and signing up for a strategy session with yours truly. 

So you will be enjoying a lot of freedom, liberation, and the potential for a lot of fun, but you got to make sure your are living life full-throttle! 

You don’t want to set up my system so you can make 6-7 figure automatically in your coaching business and just sit around eating bon-bons all day. 

That’s not who my system is for!

I want active, life-loving, full-throttle people who want to travel, enjoy life, and help others using my system… 

Then it will be a huge blessing to your life instead of a curse. 

The reality is, maybe your 1-to-1 coaching business protects your because you’d be too lazy to start a fun hobby, travel the world, or help others if you were not fully motivated by making money (trading hours-for-dollars)…

But if you are mature enough to take control of your activities and life and live with full passion, there is nothing better in this whole-wide-world for helping coaches and consultants have all the lifestyle freedom in the world to live your best life possible! 

It starts with reading the Escape Modern Day Slavery toolkit, I give you totally free of charge here:

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Peace is Within

When you get the expert hand holding help you need from me to create a high 6-7 figure automated membership based coaching business, as a extension of your 1:1 business model, your life will be easier, more satisfying, and you’ll achieve more income with less work – guaranteed. 

But here’s something to watch out for: 

Happiness truly only comes from within. 

All the money in the world that my system will bless you with, automatically, and giving you total lifestyle freedom is only an opportunity to do more of what you love, pursue your hobbies, passions and interest with vigor. 

If you just sit under a palm treat on a sunny beach in Hawaii it will get old after awhile if you have no spiritual practice or deeper hobbies. 

Bow if you are meditating on the beach, enjoying social activities, exercising, and doing hobbies like volleyball or snorkeling thats great. 

You’ll likely be engaged and enjoying life. 

Just know that all this freedom and money gives you an opportunity to do more or what you love and live your life on your terms. 

It’s as close to getting a happiness certificate as you can get, but you’ll need to remember if you lay around in bed all day, I don’t care if my system automatically generates you 1 billion dollars per year, you will be depressed. 

Happiness truly is an inside job. 

Get moving. 

Go have fun. 

Pursue your passions! 

It’s time to live your best life full throttle! 

And the best place to start is with a free strategy session call with me only, where I’ll give you a customized 6-7 figure automation membership coaching business blueprint to your specific situation. 

This is as close to science and Happiness as you can get. Go here now:

Andrew “Wisdom of the ages” Sonctranm

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What is love? Lady don’t hurt me, no more…

What is love?

If you ask 100 people, you might get 100 different answers. 

And they might all be right, in their own way. 

And your definition is right, in many ways too. 

One definition of love (I have many too), is a feeling. 

There are different feeling tones and types of love too, so I’ll focus just on one form of loving feeling called ‘loving-kindness’, today. 

If you cultivate this type of loving feeling consistently, it can and will make you more joyful, loving, and loved. 

The Buddha said that it is one of the divine abodes and to cultivate this mindfulness, always. 

That takes you to the question… what really is mindfulness? 

Is the western concept of mindfulness half-baked? 

Is there a proper formula of mindfulness the Buddha talked about that is different? 

And is it more rewarding and fulfilling?

The answer to all these question is YES. 

And now I’ll answer the question what mindfulness really is when done correctly…

Mindfulness was always fused with loving-kindness awareness. 

This means towards yourself, others, and the planet. 

And this is to be cultivated. 

When you do cultivate this life is more meaningful, rich and rewarding. 

And you are the first one who benefits. 

Your clients, family, friends and all others benefit next. 

And the whole world is a better place because of it so that is third. 

Really, they aren’t separate as when you practice loving-mindfulness mindfulness all three benefit at the same time. 

I have met many long-term and life-time meditators that didn’t learn this secret. 

They developed many benefits, but didn’t experience deep loving change to their personalities. 

That is a half-baked shame to miss out on the loving-kindness transformation that naturally is to come with practicing mindfulness correctly. 

I highly recommend to practice some loving-kindness today even if just for 5-15 minutes. 

Feel love for yourself, then everyone else in your life, then expand this loving-kind feeling to the whole world. 

Take this with you throughout the day as best you kind, and remember to be kind to yourself. 

Andrew “Loving Kindness is The Path To Cultivate” Sonctranm

PS Haven’t got your fully customized 6-7 figure automation membership coaching business blueprint for your coaching practice yet? You’ll get it on your next strategy session fully customized to your situation, fill out the application here:

What is love? Lady don’t hurt me, no more… Read More »

How Coaches Lean Into Success (and Lifestyle Freedom)

There are many parts of the human mind. 

If you are going to live your best life as a coach, and help the most people, and have total lifestyle freedom – you’ll need to master your various parts so you can act in a way that is most supportive and helpful to you.

There are scared parts, confident parts, sad parts, angry parts etc…

Disharmony is when your different parts are there and fighting. Or you are fighting them. 

For example, one part of you wants to own a automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business, and another part of you is scared to do something new, try something new – even though countless other coaches just like you already have and are successful as a result.

They fight, war, and create paralysis analysis for you. 

This is what disharmony does. 

So what are you to do about it? Submitting to it will ruin your life and base your life on false alarms. Fighting it will cause internal struggle as well.

Here is the solution: recognize these different parts and accept them by bringing love to them. 

They are just there, usually because of a past childhood trauma, and are trying to protect you. But they don’t do so in a way that is balanced and helpful today. Most of the time these protective parts can be 3, 4, or even 5 years old, so naturally if they are running your life now, you are acting in a way that is no longer helpful. 

But fighting these parts and putting them down is not the answer. Loving them is the answer. 

This tends to create greater harmony when you can hold the parts at the same time with love and acceptance. 

That doesn’t mean you listen to or follow their direction. No. 

You need to be the mature, wise, healthy adult that can act on your values and sooth your various parts that try to control your behaviour in ways that are no longer relevant. 

How do you do that? 

I’ll get to that in future emails, but one important way is to always hold all parts and act anyway. 

It has been age-old-wisdom and advice to feel-the-fear-and-do-it-anyway… 

The mantra and habit of unsuccessful limited people is feel-the-fear-and-avoid… this greatly limits your life and will kill your adventure, joy, growth, and satisfaction in life

When in doubt, and there are waring parts. Don’t avoid. Lean in…

…That’s where the action and results are. 

To learn how to lean in grab your strategy session here and learn that and much more, at no cost to you:

Andrew “Lean In” Sonctranm

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Politically Incorrect Rant (SLAVERY)

Coach that was upset with me wrote the following (my comments to follow):

“I find this horrifically offensive. Your use of the word slavery… umm, please don’t use that statement. You are a WHITE person. Umm, you don’t have the right to use the word slavery. Please consider that I’m horribly offended that a white person like you so easily uses this word and you know nothing about it… please stop using it. You don’t have a right to.” – MJ


First of all – might I say, as I traveled throughout the world many times, in a majority of countries in the world, it is clear every color of people have been in slavery. 

And I was not involved with any slavery.

Nor am I racist. 

I have helped coaches of all colors escape modern day slavery of one-to-one coaching businesses to expand to owning a automated 6-7 figure coaching business within 8-weeks. That’s my specialty.

I’m called the best in the world at liberating coaches and consultants from the death grip of trading hours-for-dollars and giving you total lifestyle freedom in just 8-weeks flat – no matter what. 

Nor do I apologize for my use of the word slavery in my Modern Day Slavery brand where I help coaches escape modern day slavery. 

If that offends you. Take a hike. 

I’m not here to make you feel good or speak what/or how you want me to speak. 

I’m here to give smart, hard-working, good coaches total financial freedom and lifestyle freedom through my automated system that is designed to make you 6-7 figures in your niche in 8-weeks flat. 

If you want the full system for free, a roadmap to give you all the ins and outs, sign up for a complementary strategy session here: 

Andrew “Politically Incorrect & Proud” Sonctranm

Politically Incorrect Rant (SLAVERY) Read More »

SMS Exchange with New Client

Here’s a back and fourth SMS from a client 1 weeks ago, who now became a happy Client since… these messages were before she became a Client (my comments to follow after the SMS exchange):


CLIENT: “Yeah, but hopefully I will be able to raise the money to join your program and get your help, will try hard and let you know soon. About the social media, especially in todays world with it being quite common, it is actually you who does business in a less common way. What I’m trying to say is that me being nervous about that is quiet common, it is actually you who does business in a less common way. What I’m trying to say is that me bieng nervious about that is quite okay and mentally everything is possible, and I will work with yoU! I’m just willing be be on social media insted of getting off it, as you’re stance is to be off social media and enjoy business success and lifestyle freedom. And I got your point that you won’t change your mind about social media. Thanks for the link.”

ME: “I don’t look to others to determine what I do or think is common or uncommon. Has zero influence on how I do things as I’m self-directed. I simply do not like it. It is harmful psychologically. Studies I’ve read, report just 15 minutes of daily use increases chances for clinical depression 600%. It is painful to be on. Loss of freedom, privacy, and it’s not anything I want to be doing in my free-time. Cuts off contact with real people in real life. I hate it. I think it should be used as a torture device by the CIA to interrogate terrorists with as it will drive them crazy. I’m willing to do things effectively, efficiently, and in a way that gives me the freedom and lifestyle I want and help my clients do the same. No thanks to the torture device called social media. Totally not needed to have a automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business and anything else you’d ever want to do.”

CLIENT: “Right, that’s actually what I liked in you the most – you being self-directed, and a bit unfair from my side asking for what is common today and enslaves almost everyone. You’re quite rare <3 maybe we don’t match but whatever you’re doing, you’re doing it great.” 


This coach has now become a happy client and during the above exchange she wasn’t sure how she could trust a guru who totally shuns social media, Google, Youtube etc… 

She’s well on her way to enjoying total lifestyle freedom in the next 8-weeks as I help her do exactly that. 

She learned that loving privacy. Enjoying privacy. Enjoying lifestyle freedom on your terms… never is about hiding anything, or doing things a way you think they ‘should’ be done or what others expect you to do.

Freedom, privacy, and liberty is a wealth just as important as gold, money, and assets.  

Freedom is about having the ability to call the shots and live life on your terms, not being a mindless sheep following the herd. 

Saying yes to the disaster that social media brings into your life – one of the things that has made people more disconnected, unhappy, and more depressed than anything else in modern history, is not the way to live a free life. 

If you want to use it, go ahead. I don’t force any of my clients to not use it if you want to. That is your choice and my system works even if you use it. But…

I created my system to run fully independent of any social media, Google or anything else like that. 

It’s stealth and direct in nature. 

It ensures your privacy, freedom, and liberty.  

And the big government advocates and especially people who want to track your every move (social media giants) want to try to take your privacy away. 

They spend hundreds of millions of dollars trying to misinform the public and create false belief in the public that if you value privacy you have something to hide. This is just part of their manipulation, mind-control propoganda. Do not let that BS influence you. 

Instead be self-directed. Ask yourself:…

Ask yourself: Do I really ‘want’ to be wasting my time with social media? .

Is that really the life your want to live? 

How much of your life have you wasted with social media so far? Be honest. Really calculated it. You might be shocked! 

Personally, I don’t want to waste even 1 second with it and I will not for the rest of my life. 

And I’ll enjoy my life. I have bee doing that for over 16 years and things are groovy baby.

And my clients find out the same exact thing. 

To learn how to have a more thriving business than ever before. To have an automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business with 300-500+ members all paying you $97-$297 each, per month, month-after-month – in the next 8-weeks, go here:

Andrew “Social Media Can Kiss My A#@ And Yours Too” Sonctranm

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The 4 P’s of Coaching Biz Failure (And How To Fix It)

An automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business is the cure to uncertainty, frustration, and failure.

As a coach, your life is plagued with inevitable hardships, failure, and frustration if you have a bad habit of practicing the 4-P’s…

Namely, piss poor prior planning.

The 4-P’s are a major cause of all failure.

And lord knows there will be a time when you can’t work 1:1 as effectively, efficiently, or at all because of age, health and disease that will randomly come your way.

The best way to plan for this is by having an automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business that has 300-500+ lifetime membership all paying you $97-$297 for your wisdom, insights and knowledge.

When you get my help to build this in just 8-weeks from now, it will be like you went from having a castle with no protective walls, no army, and no way to survive an attack, TO: having a huge strong wall none of your enemies can climb over, a powerful army, and the best weapons and training so you can defend any attack and win.

This will guarantee your success, safety, and joy no matter what happens. You and your loved ones will be fully protected.

Now that is being SMART and planning proactively and to do so now, go here:

Andrew “SMART” Sonctranm

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