The Way of The Superior Coach & Consultant

There are two types of clients I’ve noticed over the years. 

1 is the person who comes on strong, full of energy, and ready to get started. 

They are excited about the program, the possibilities, and the freedom the membership that has 300-500+ members in 8-weeks will give them – a 6-7 figure automated coaching business. And…

…Total lifestyle freedom – even if you don’t want to travel, you’ll still love the freedom to be able to travel wherever you want, whenever you want, with whoever you want – any time – all the time – and you’ll never have money worries again. 

This is freedom. 

And I specialize in doing just this for you. 

The issue is with the 1st clients, is that once you get started on your goal and move closer to your vision and values, what the spiritual traditions in India and Buddhism call Mara pop off to keep you off course. To put you back in your comfort zone, and try to make sure you don’t take another step forward… 

…They yell at you in your head, scream at you, try to pretend like they give you advice, try to scare you, create doubt in you, and even Mara can come in the form of your family and friends. 

One thing is for sure, Mara will try to hold you back and prevent you from your destiny. You should expect this internal fight… and know you can just learn to let Mara be there, not listen, don’t take it seriously, or even laugh at how crazy Mara tries to work to make you feel and act in ways that prevent you from your values and vision and goals we’ve set out to achieve for you. 

The inferior person, hasn’t learned to beat Mara yet. They are influenced by Mara’s forces and they let Mara stop them from their values and goal. 

Mara loves making you even believe this is your idea. A dirty trick Mara plays when you let this evil force infect your mind and emotions. 

The 2nd kind of client is one that sets out on the values and goals we’ve outlined together. 

And they are excited and are confidently moving forward. And then…

Mara strikes! 

Mara yells, screams, and creates anxiety, doubt, fear… and Mara even attacks in the form of family, friends, and acquaintances. 

Mara is really powerful. But these clients are more powerful than Mara, and know not to believe in Mara’s lies, tricks, fears, and games. 

Instead, they can observe Mara and keep a peaceful calm inside and keep moving forward towards your values and goals we’ve outlined even though Mara is yelling at you to stop. 

Mara is the evil force in the world that doesn’t want you to help more people, be liberated, and life a life free of his evil influence. 

So these clients have learned like the buddha, to feel the fear and do it anyway. 

They realize ANY TIME you set out on your values and goals in a powerful destined way and have aligned energy with a force that can help you get there, Mara will come strongly to stop you. 

If you stop moving forward, Mara will go away. This is how he rewards you. But…

…As you learn to ignore Mara and move forward on your goals and values, the louder he will scream at you and try to stop you…

The superior person learns to just let Mara do this. Let Mara be. Realize he can try and come along for the ride. You can relax and not take it seriously and just commit to your action and moving forward. 

The superior person expects Mara to do this EVERY TIME. It will never go away. 

The superiors persons practice is to know this and let Mara be without letting it control your behaviour. 

You are a powerful spirit. You are a powerful superior person. It is time to show Mara that you don’t take him seriously. He can’t and won’t stop you. He has a loud bark, but no bite. 

Let’s go. 

You got this! 

This is your time! 

Mara can come along for the ride. 

Andrew “Mara is a paper-tooth tiger” Sonctranm

PS if you didn’t get your own strategy session application booked yet, go here: 

PPS I’m very busy and can’t get to everyone. But if you filled out the form, please reply to this email with the subject line “Yes! Andrew I’m Ready”, and I’ll try to get to you soon. 

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Frank Talk from The World Leader in Automated 6-7 Figure Coaching Membership Business

It’s Wednesday July 19, 12:32pm, and I’m writing you from my mountain home in Switzerland. And no I don’t feel all the heat or heat wave up here they are talking about in the news! 

I’m having an urge to talk strong with you. I can tell someone is reading this who needs to make a bold change and by doing so you will help many people and have a much better life. But I can tell you need some very clear guidance right now, so…

Let me talk very frank with you: 

There is nothing more important in your life than automating your business BECAUSE it allows you the freedom to do more of the things you want to do in your life…

When you automate your coaching business and make 300-500 members in the first 8-weeks, all paying you $97-$297 each, per month – month-after-month – that gives you a automated high 6-7 figure income so you can:

Help more people. 

Travel as much as you want (and take your loved ones with you), whenever you want.

Retire your spouse.

Retire now if you want. 

Take care of your family or loved ones forever. 

Contribute more to causes you love. 

Having the financial freedom and time freedom to do so!


I’ve been helping countless coaches and consultants and even therapists, just like you, achieve all of the above in just 8-weeks flat. 

In fact, I guarantee your success. 


Because I know what I’m doing. 

This is not some bull-shit (excuse my French) fantasy in the sky. This is a real, proven, battle-tested hands-on, holding-your-hand, doing-it-with-you, doing-it-for-you, program that is the closest thing you can ever get to a 100% guarantee in this life…

Why I’m so confident. 

I’ve done this again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again… all with the same level of success each time. 

It’s like as if a performer and everyone comes to see my show or rock concert… I’m the best at what I do here and will rock-the-house! Every time! This. Is. What. I. Do. And…

I’ve been doing this for over 17 years now. 

I’ve opened up the doors again to accept a small hand selected group of only 5 to work with one-on-one so you can get all the access to me and help from me using my system to achieve 300-500 members in just 8-weeks – no matter what.

I’m taking calls now on a first come, first serve basis.

If you are lucky enough to get a call from me during this time, it’s because you were smart enough to fill out a strategy session form here: 

This strategy session is designed to give you a lot of value and expert direction even if I say you are not a good fit to work together. I will still bend over backwards to make sure you are better off than before we talked. 

Sign up now, if you haven’t already. You’ll be glad you did. 

Andrew “Frank Talk” Sonctranm

PS if you already filled out the strategy session form but didn’t hear back from me yet, reply to this email with the subject “Yes! I’m Interested!” and include your best phone # in the body of the message. Because sometimes the forms fall through the cracks. 

Frank Talk from The World Leader in Automated 6-7 Figure Coaching Membership Business Read More »

Danger To My System (None At All Actually)

I’ll tell you why my system can be outright dangerous in the hands of the wrong coach or consultant in a minute, but first, here’s another poem for you to explain what I mean…
I’m calling this educational poem ‘Unity’ (and my thoughts to follow on why it’s important for you to understand if you are a coach or consultant who becomes financially free and lifestyle free with an automated 6-7 figure coaching members business that makes you 300-500 lifelong members paying you $97-$297 in the first 8-weeks, for your wisdom):
Lonely, isolated, depressive at the top? Depends on how you live it says the recluse. Do you love others with a genuine heart, do you open with smile to the face of your loved ones in the rain, in the soil and even the bugs? How can I do that says the lonely man? I am rich, powerful, almighty am I! I don’t need to be kind, compassionate, and gentle to have glee! Let me drink, sing songs, dance and have a party, for tomorrow we all die, and this goes on endlessly. Yes, says the recluse, you can do that if you wish. But might I ask, to whom wish? Your ancestors are in the rain, the dirt, and the booze you consume to drown out your sorrows and despair, but perhaps you would find a better living, a better meaning if you would only listen to their loving embrace. You aren’t along fool, wake up! Even the chair you sit on or the computer or phone you read this from is beaming with your ancestor’s genetics. They aren’t dead, and tomorrow you will not die either, we are all one and you will just transform to a new form. For where something is, it cannot be nothing even if it transforms. And transform you will, but the reality is we are all one. Comfort yourself in this unseen truth that the wise old recluse knows and imparted to you. Once you see it you can’t unsee it, and your ways might naturally change for the better. I hope so. 
There is a danger to my system. 
In fact, it’s so effective at making you rich quickly that you need to watch out. 
There are many coaches and consultants who become rich, but then become arrogant, isolate, and hermits. 
Why? Because they don’t have a spiritual foundation too. 
You need to always balance and work at your spiritual life which is about giving, loving, and compassion to yourself and others…
…Doing this, my powerful money-making system will be a total life-enhancing game-changer for you! 
Then it’s the best thing to ever happen to you and the world!
Why not become one of the coaches and consultants I’ve helped build an automated 6-7 figure coaching business for in just 8-weeks? You can get all the juicy secrets by signing up for your complementary strategy session here: 

Danger To My System (None At All Actually) Read More »

New Client Testimonials

here’s a few coach clients similar to you:

“Andrew Sonctranm revolutionized everything about my coaching business. Taking me from $47,384 the year before working 130 hours per month, to $58,832 per month clocking out at $705,984 this year… all while working ZERO hours. I know that sounds hard to believe, but Andrew set it up to be automated and the members just keep paying every month after the launch. He has so many effective stick strategies that keep members happy and staying and getting their friends to sign up too. So there’s no ongoing marketing or work. I can’t believe this exists, but it is the 21st century. We’ve gone to the moon, created jet airplanes, and the Internet. So this just leverages smarter systems and modern day technology to make it happen for any coach or consultant. If you are a coach or consultant on the fence about working with Andrew, I urge you to get off the fence. Life is too short and Andrew’s system will set you free with greater income, automating your business, so you can live a lifestyle of freedom and retire doing whatever you love with no money worries if you want. Just do it.”
-Jeb Stone, Coach and Consultant

“The way coaches and consultants are doing it is all wrong. That is if you haven’t hired Andrew Sonctranm yet to build you a 6-7 figure automated coaching business in your niche that will give you the freedom and income you deserve. I know first hand. Andrew actually built me a 6-figure per month automated coaching business and I’ve been retired since. I didn’t want to work until the grave over 100 hours per month just to get by. Andrew saved me from that. And now I’m making more money and have more freedom than I know what to do with! A great welcome problem to have if you ask me. You can have the same if you are smart enough to reach out to Andrew Sonctranm and work with him. He is the best and only one in the world at making coaches and consultants 6-7 figure automated businesses within 8-weeks.”
-Sally Hodges, Coach and Consultant

“If you are a coach or consultant, you don’t have to suffer from what Andrew Sonctranm calls the modern day slavery trap. Because he’s created a system that can free you up entirely and give you are the income you’d need to live a fairy tale life of luxury in any area, country, place in the world. Because making 6-7 figures or more per year (and many even per month), puts you in the top 1% to 00.001% of income earners in the world. And the best part is, Andrew sets up your coaching business in a way, with an added leg (if you will), that is totally independent and automated making you this kind of money and giving you total lifestyle freedom if you don’t want to work anymore. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I wish you to same for yours.”

-Jeff Williams, Coach and Consultant

To get your complementary strategy session where I give you a fully customized roadmap to your unique coaching or consulting business that can make you 6-7 figures or more automatically this year, fill out the form here:


Andrew Sonctranm

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Self-Love for Coaches

Do you really love yourself? (this might surprise you…)

Do you really love others? (if you don’t do this, you won’t ever love…)

How are these 2 above questions actually the same question? (your about to find out a powerful secret to loving yourself and as a result others more…)

When you love yourself, you can love others.

When you don’t love yourself, it’s harder to love others too.

So to grow in love, you need to learn first how to love yourself.

If you are slaving away in a 1-to-1 coaching practice…

… trading-hours-for-dollars…

… and not enjoying the kind of lifestyle freedom you could from loving yourself enough to get a automated 6-7 figure membership coaching business working for you…

… so you can be totally lifestyle free…

… then you need to stop working so much to have a second to think, why aren’t you loving yourself as much as you can? Because…

…when you learn to love yourself by getting an automated 6-7 figure coaching business in the next 8-weeks with my help, you aren’t being selfish!..

… You are loving yourself…

… and as a result loving all your clients more, and helping more clients than ever before…

… And as your self-love grows, you will be blessed beyond measure.

Trust me, you will thank me later… 

You deserve freedom, liberation, and love.

Take the first step to loving yourself by getting your own 6-7 figure automated coaching business blueprint on your complementary strategy session call here:

(if you already filled out the form, reply to this email with the subject like “Yes Andrew, Let Me In!”, and I’ll follow up with you soon)

Andrew “Love Yourself” Sonctranm

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“Crazy MoFo!” (Ouch – Crazy Testimonial)

“Andrew. I used to think you were a crazy MoFo! hahahahaha. But my man, you are a rare genius. Your kinda like a dating guru for the coaching business. Hear me out. When you taught me to reposition my expertise as a automated service, I thought it wouldn’t work. I was a stupid as a guy from the country with NO options for female companionship convincing himself girls just don’t like him and he has to spend a lot of time and money to get even crumbs. But then as a country boy moves out to the big NYC, he suddenly has models looking at him and has to choose between tanya, sarah, carol, and jennifer for monday night just after the first week or REPURPOSING. You freaking genius you. Thanks for kicking me in the ass. You changed the game for me!” – Johnny Dales, Coach

This success story cracks me up 🙂 

Look. If you are working long and hard for crumbs, and you are a good coach who cares about your clients success, lets talk now.

Go here now:

Andrew ‘Dating Guru’ Sonctranm

“Crazy MoFo!” (Ouch – Crazy Testimonial) Read More »

Isn’t It Time Your Automated Your Coaching Business?

It’s May 7th, 2022 and I’m writing you from a little café’ I found yesterday while on a trip to the Mediterranean. 

It is quite interesting to see many people from the UK, USA, and Canada down here enjoying the sun and good weather – and all trying to work ‘online’. 

They all want to be free, but most of them can’t do it. 

They are dreaming, wising, trying… and based on the well-intended people I’ve met, they have no clue. 

Like many coaches, I know they will try in vain for years, and give up. 

They will need to go back to their home countries and endure cold, rainy, hash winters and work one-to-one only – and if you stop for any reason like a pandemic forcing you, so does your income – and along with that, your contribution, your security, your livelihood ceases, stops, halts too. 


Because you don’t have an automated system that brings you in consistent 6-7 figure income while you sleep, eat or play.

They are trying to do that. But for them, it’s about as smart as trying to read a ‘heart-surgery’ book and trying to perform heart surgery – it’s only going to make a big mess! 

The same thing happens when coaches and consultants try to create an automated 6-7 figure business without a experts proven help, system, and guidance.

I’ve proven over and over and over again for countless coaches and consultants, my system is the best in the world at make you a automated 6-7 figure leg of your coaching or consulting business. 

One that would have made you completely pandemic proof had you been lucky enough to get my help before or during the covid pandemic… 

…my clients, who worked one-to-one mainly, but got my help to build a automated part of their business, have been sitting fat and happy during this one-to-one coaching business killing pandemic. 

In fact, my clients have been telling me how grateful they are for my system and help because they and their families are safe and never been better. 

When you are ready to get this going for your coaching or consulting practice too, fill out the form for a customized and complementary strategy session here:

To your freedom, security, and success,

Andrew ‘getting coaches with the times’ Sonctranm

Isn’t It Time Your Automated Your Coaching Business? Read More »

New Podcast Episode


Got a new podcast episode for you here:

It’s about the very common and dangerous amateur marketing mistake of projection. And why and how you need to avoid it at all costs if you want to have an automated 6-7 figure membership leg of your coaching or consulting business. As always, this podcast episode is packed with valuable insights, secrets, and tips to help you enjoy total lifestyle freedom and financial freedom. Enjoy! 

Andrew “New Episode” Sonctranm

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Problem Solving is Heavy Work

Problem solving is such heavy work most people won’t engage in it in a meaningful way to solve life’s biggest challenges or optimize their current solutions to something much better…

Take the 1-to-1 coaching business model.

You work long hard hours for 3 decades of more, then you need too keep working in your 70s, 80s, 90s etc… 

You never get to live your so called golden-years with real freedom…

If you don’t work, the money runs out…

And you are tied to a trade-hours-for-dollars slave style business model…

I have developed something better for you and countless coaches just like you have been using it for the past 15 years with 6-7 figure automated success. And…

These same smart coaches who got my help weren’t effected at all by the covid19 pandemic…

They were able to be free, wealthy, and happy during this time all while making 6-7 figures on autopilot. 

I’ve done the heavy problem solving lifting for you. 

I’ve spent millions of dollars perfecting this automation model for coaches and consultants so you don’t have to. 

Now if you want to reinvent the car, go for it. But why? If I’ve already created the modern car for you that works perfectly, isn’t it smarter to just get one from me and enjoy a smooth, easy, fast ride without any problems? Of course!

I’m giving you the full roadmap on your strategy session here:

Andrew “Problem Solver for Coaches” Sonctranm

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